Monday, September 26, 2011

Print Flyer - The Ultimate Guide to Flyers and print ads

!±8± Print Flyer - The Ultimate Guide to Flyers and print ads

Print ads, as a color wheel to generate cash flow continues and new sources of income for almost all sectors. Any company that has developed into an industry leader in recent decades has done by using keywords in the ads that have developed from very humble. Not all advertising works, it is extremely important to understand how the ads work, because some, while others succeed, and what your ads should be to avoid generatingto maximize ROI.

The birth of modern advertising:
Although there have always been market traders from the early days of "civilization", the cry on the market, '"their property would, it was not until the advent of the printing press advertising as we know it today was born. For the advertisement, it began to nothing more than a single line of the newspaper indicated that perhaps as a product, price and description very simple. Among scientists there isshould be noted that this form of advertising first appeared in print somewhere in the second half of the 17 Century. Over time, and how advanced the technology of printing, the color was added and developed at some point you just images in photographic images.

For the next nearly 200 years of advertising has remained virtually the same. A single line of copy or maybe a small block of text is that consumers tend to see in their local newspapers. That is, until Thomas Barratt, thedecided to marry into the family of the famous Pears soap empire, an aggressive advertising campaign, its product for the growing middle class, who had finally purchasing power should be promoted. Pears Soap at first it was marketed on a small portion of the population, the elite, an expensive perfume of handmade soap that was for her ivory complexion afford to have. Now that the working class, middle class has been a functioning market, and to know that "reach" has beenkeep his family business afloat, Barratt put on the formulation of a marketing strategy to reach the masses would be. They renewed their production lines for Pears soap affordable for the average consumer and the development of an aggressive marketing campaign for the population. Thomas Barratt is known for his cherubic children Pears soap advertisements, many of which are still celebrated today recognize. Because of its aggressive marketing strategies and innovative usepressure is often considered "father of modern advertising."

During WWI for offset rising advertising costs, philosophy create a need for masses was presented. Company begain create "perceived needs". To first, all strategies that were tried and tested advertising methods and fused consumer. The rest is history.

The three elements most important print advertising are:

1 Obtain maximumAmount of potential customers at the lowest possible cost
2 design or aesthetic-response driving a work of art
3 Create a need for your product / service offering "attractive" benefits to consumers

Flyer today and print advertising continues to focus on these important strategies that are proven to work with decades of statistics. Technologies, products and services change over time, but human needs and response criteria remain largely the same onTime.

We view the success story of the 3 keys. Consider, for example, Burger King and McDonalds. They dominate the fast food market for their niche and we have to reach a huge market with advertising, which was created attractive and a necessity. In the second half of the 20 th century trade boomed and the average family to live life in the fast lane. Both groups in this fast-paced environment through the use of ads that have been activatedpleasing to the eye, but also the need to play they have created. The message is simple: "You are important." In other words: "You deserve to do things for themselves and take time away from your lifestyle."

McDonald is still with the "Golden Arches" whicht symbolizing a place where life is idyllic and away from the hustle and bustle that people are forced to endure, to make ends meet. "You deserve a break today at McDonalds. We do everything for you." Its impressive advertisingStrategy planted a seed in the minds of consumers, who deserve to take a break and let someone take at least one of their daily tasks - cooking.

The same applies to keep busy with the marketing strategy of Burger King. "Have your way!" The message you are replying to a boss, you answer to your family and you are stuck with responsibility, so now is the time to do what you want for a change. They deserve to have their "own way", and, of course, as they must be treatedlike a king / queen, there's a subliminal message in the popular BK crown.

All three main strategies have been used by the two mega-corporations at an early stage, and as you can see, literally thrown to the top of the fast-food market. Have launched national advertising campaigns

(Key # 1) with a design of positive publicity
(Key # 2) to create the need for
(Key # 3) in the life of the masses of consumers.

Avoid common mistakes in the flyer through the research of demographic data
One ofthe most common misconceptions that entrepreneurs have is the creation of flyers to think that designing a flyer on '3 Keys to Success "is all based to do. There are also several" steps "before the creation of His campaign should be taken. It 'a big mistake to believe that an "eye-catcher" flyer, which "has reached the maximum number of people and creates a" need "all is one. One factor to consider is the study of demographics in a particularMarket area before the campaign, or none of these three keys to adjust the block! In other words, targeted marketing is the key to "true" for success.

Understanding your demographic market, working around the three buttons for you!
Look at this research that has paid for McDonald's and Burger King - great. At the time of their rise to fame was simply market analysis and basic information provided in the lifestyle of consumers were trying to reach. It 'obvious that theirAdvertising campaigns on the middle class working class, who were working with the relatively low salaries concentrated overwhelmed. There have been some psychological tactics that would not be effective, if not their ads reach the right people with the right message. You may not need many things to fill a void. It 'so simple.

Take a look at along the product or service you sell, you will find a population that has a gap, you must fill out and target withextraordinary publicity. Create and distribute your flyer printing campaign to reach as many viewers, making it interesting, so that draws their attention to himself, and then fill the void with the creation or emphasis on the need discovered. If you do not have the resources to undertake research in your market area, is an old trick that allows you to "borrow" the research that has already proven effective. It 'so obvious that it is easy to overlook, is like "the analysiswhat to use your competitors. "

Take a look at the two burger empire to see how effectively "borrow" that what works for the competition! Does not really matter, the companies are in the process of market analysis before, the point is that one of them has found a hole, filled with the creation of a need and started an advertising campaign by all that this need / vacuum could be bridged. Then, as the story that was the war. Although the area of ​​'empty', these two companies were contactedto some extent different, both have identified the void and created a need for something missing in the lives of consumers. Remember that time the "me generation" so that when consumers feel lost control of his life because of the need to take care of others fell, the two companies on this and ran with it. A company has promised that consumers would have their way, while the other offered a break from the reality of losing that sense of self that was so important thatTime.

You can do the same thing in your market area by expanding on what works well for your competitors. Obviously they found a way to create a need to sell their products / services. Whatever you are using works, because it brings in the business. Take time to analyze their marketing strategies. Try to reach the demographics are eager to identify. What forms of advertising with your competitors and how are they distributed?Analysis of competition is exactly what they do successful companies such as Burger King and McDonalds. They analyze the competition and then try to stay one step ahead. After creating the concept for your advertising, it's time to focus on the practical aspect of the printing and distribution.

It 'time to print your flyers - What are my options?
Now that you have created all your campaign, it's time to figure out what size and weight of paper put on your bestMessage. There are several formats to choose from, depending on the amount of information they include. Here's the flyers and brochures are the most popular formats:

• 5.5 "x 8.5" (half sheet)
• 8.5 "x 11" (full page)
• 8.5 "x 14" (legal)
• 11 "x 17" (double-size full page)

You can also use the weight of the paper on how to distribute the leaflets are based. Paper weight is used in commercial printing different from what you buyStaples or Office Depot. Never waste money on pay-to a small local printer or to the majority of print advertising. Select Always use a reputable and trusted printing flyers, printing presses and offers a large "commercial quality" results. Remember: You do not want so much money in advertising as a mega-comapny, but want to be sure to look as good as them!

Options for designing the flyer
Once you have done market research and advertising have a theme,It 's time to bring it all on paper. While some entrepreneurs to select the location in the graphic layout of their leaflets, others for their planning to do at home, with several predefined templates, or online through web-based design. Everything depends on your ability to design and complexity of the project is needed.

U-design is a popular do-it-yourself design of tools and a well-designed flyer is just a few mouse clicks away. The information and graphics that you needare, the harder it gets. If you do it yourself approach does not work, you can help with professional graphic layout for the advertising job, big or small. If you print a majority want an order, print quality companies will provide professional design services at affordable prices. So, if the size of the leaflet is unattainable, and models in line does not suit your needs, let them do professionalsl the project for you.

Without folds and wrinkles?
TheSize of the leaflet is the first consideration is whether you need to opt for a bi-fold or tri-fold flyers. There are times when your flyer folded, for example, if they like the oversized 8.5 "x 14" or 11 "x 17" is necessary. And, of course, is the size of the leaf is usually depends on the amount of text and graphics that must be included. Newspaper inserts, for example, are often printed on 8.5 "by 11" or 11 "x 17" and then bi-folded before being filled. Fitgood for navigating in the document and can be opened, booklet style, with offers and coupons. Many of the big pharmacy chains like Walgreens and Eckerd is a bi-fold type flyers newspaper insert for weekly promotions. Knowing when to fold and when to fold is not important because there are times when you fold your flyers would be a grave mistake. If the layout and graphic design hid the fold, it would be better would be to make it flat, if possible. Consider the visibilityTheir supply and handling of your customers at any time.

Now you have learned to "walk the walk" it is time to call 'the Talk "- print Terminology 101

If you communicate with the printer, there are some basic concepts should be aware of. These are words of everyday vocabulary in a printer, so it could be the moment that you forget that many of us do not speak "a foreign language press." And the terminology is even more important whengoing to try to design your own flyer. Many errors can be avoided if you have a basic understanding of some terms of pressure to indicate the details of the project.

Bleed - This is extremely important if the design is a graphic, which should be borderless. A good rule is to raise the design about 1 / 8 "above the cutting surface, because the trimmer is not as accurate as the printing presses. In order to avoid white borders around an image plane,to "bleed" one.

No Bleed - No bleed a small 1 / 4 "," white border around the full-page graphics or not to renew the entire page when printing. ".

C2S/C1S - This refers to the fact that the paper is printed is coated on one side or both. Apparently, "C2S" is glossy on both sides during "C1S 'is deaf on one side and shiny on the face. C1S is typically used on a postcard type flyer.

CPM - Cost per thousand. (CPM, for example, is $ 39.50 $ 395.00 for 10,000 copies.)

CMYK- The standard four-color print edition. (Cyan, magenta, yellow and black) While most of the colors of "layering" can be created by these four standard colors, it is important to know that some colors may not be exact.

4 / 0 and 4 / 4 - 4 / 4 four-color is back on both sides of the duplex and 4 / 1 refers to four colors on the face and not ont he color.

These are just a small selection of some of the terms ciritical that might come when it comes to your flyer. NotAfraid to tell your printer that you do not understand what you are referring to. And 'your flyers, after all, and your satisfaction, which keeps the printers in the industry. Quality work, affordable prices and customer satisfaction at the center of the printer has been for decades.

The power of color printing. There is no substitute for the color!
There is no better way to say it, but print in black and white is just boring. The best way to generate a massive response, it isused to full color (glossy) flyer printing, because it follows the rules of effective advertising. He identified a gap, creating a need, and offers a solution to this need for eye-catching/pleasing a "call to action" generated response.

For example, a restaurant specializing in delicious half pound Black Angus burger with all the trimmings. Your logo is a dish of burger with lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes and red onions on a sesame bun offset, as well as a portion of French fries are seasoned.Imagine how important a color image is here. Obvious, right? Because of the pressure that the color logo, the company will ensure that the display:

1 Eye-catcher (color)
By exposing a gap 2 (hunger)
3 create an immediate need (the water into the temptation mouth)
4 suggesting a call to action (it's time to eat - you get one of these)

As you can see, it would be an image in black and white dish that is not the first of these rules. Certainly it is anyone's eye to capture theCan not find the address of their hunger with a tasty burger. And, of course, without the temptation, in this case there is no call to action. Although it may seem that the additional cost (which is negligible, in many cases) of color may not be needed, certainly is. If your flyer does not generate call-to-action response, you are wasting your money! The only purpose of advertising is to generate business, it is important to use "every trick in the book," so to speak,advertising to make that work for you. If a few more dollars now able to generate thousands of dollars in assets, worth the money.

Print "turnkey" Marketing & Solution Providers
The smartest financial decision you can make in advertising ...

Often small business owners decide on a flyer and bring it to their local "Copy Shop", run away a few hundred flyers. Sometimes they also specify that some at home or office printer.It's usually a matter of cost. You try to save a few dollars because the company was not good. Actually, that's why you print flyers in the first place - for business and generate cash flow. This may be one of the most poor financial decisions, which is always the entrepreneur. The only guaranteed way to do business with door to door and with advertising that works! Always, always trust an expert in printing and distribution companies (such as direct mail service provider)advertiisng if it goes to your campaigns.

Turnkey printing and marketing solutions provider that delivers exceptional results by providing professional instruction at competitive prices. Their graphs and marketing consultants have access to the latest trends in marketing and sales processes. In fact, you have everything under one roof. Managers are available from the "concept" of the flyer distribution. You are in connection with what, under certain conditions of workMarket areas, market research and statistical analysis have at hand. The professionals know what works and even better, know how to work this knowledge to you. Put your money work for you, throw it out the window! It 'a very wise decision today to give a little financial' advertising more effective, it actually generates business. This is something that you can take to the bank.

The co-dependence of the "two D's" - design andDistribution
When planning your flyer, it is important to consider the distribution before you start designing it. This is one of the areas where it can be a professional print "turnkey" solutions and provider of marketing, is an invaluable help. The size of the Flyers could preclude some forms of distribution, so that careful consideration of distribution options before planning your project. For example, if you plan to direct mail will be 2.5 "x5 "cards is not entirely feasible. They can be had easily lost in the mix of e-mail goes, and rarely seen by a custoemers. If you have a contract with a company, the Flyers hung door to door, the project would be useful in a bag filled with a shield door or printed on 4.25 "x 11" door sign.

If you are not sure which distribution method you should use to talk to the printer. There are so many options available and based on the demographics of yourTarget market, it is important that the flyer distributed in a way that can provide the highest response. Most professional printers using the media to actually set up for you distribution and execution of the campaign. Whether you use direct mail (recommended for most small businesses) or putting flyers in local publications go, the project must always be dependent on the method of distribution. And 'wise to think proactively.

Direct mail services have been shown toGenerate a high return on investment (ROI)
A method of distribution that should be highlighted, Direct Mail. According to recent statistics from the United States Postal Service, the average household receives about 25 pieces of mail per week, and 52% of e-mail will be made available to direct mail advertising. That's where it gets interesting. A survey was conducted, which shows that 51% of consumers of e-mails from people who read and purchase of 16% of them will answer the mail. We breakin numbers on how effective this form of distribution is very similar.

With a base figure of 1,000 families is 25 pieces of mail per week, 25,000 pieces of mail that is delivered. Of these 25,000, is 52% of direct mail advertising, which means that 13,000 of these elements implies some form of advertising. Well, on the basis of response rates tested, 51% of consumers read that e-mail that 6630 will be opened and read the announcements means. Of this number, 16% respond1061 which means that ads to generate new business. On average, each family has one or more ads per week to respond!

Of course, not all mail to be in direct competition with your product or service. Professional with advertising that works, you can dominate your market. So it makes sense to use financial services of a professional print "turnkey" solutions and marketing company. They have the advertising and marketing andKnow-how to put it all together for you so that your ads to generate business with a profit-raising results.

Your printed and distributed flyers - now is the time to track the results!
You just have a lot of time, effort and some expenditure on research, planning, design, printing and distributing a flyer to advertise your business. Of course you want to know how effective the advertising. A safer way would be to monitor the income before and after. If you everThe increase, which is a good indicator that your advertising is paying off. However, there are some times when you want something more to show. Many companies place coupons in their flyers, which are redeemed, you must take in order to take advantage of promotional prices. From Earl of coupons that are redeemed, they can monitor the success of their advertising campaigns. Make sure that you want to use a method of monitoring the results to discuss with your printer.It can help integrate the flyer coupons monitoring in the design layout.

Together with the 7 "Must Know" Tips for successful Flyer
Quoted in detail on the basis of the strategies that can be very effective advertising flyers, if you follow the "7 must know the rules." Keep you follow these rules, how you plan your advertising and be amazed at the results.

Rule # 1 - Plan ahead! Allow enough time for everything you do. The currentPart "Print" process only 24 to 48 hours could in time 'reverse', but there is still much to be a successful flyer. Planning, research, market analysis, design, proofing and distribution must be considered. Leave enough time to get your first-time flyers that you want to run promotions.

Rule # 2 - Targeting. Understand your market. What are the demographics you want to target? Understanding your audience is theessential if it is to "create the need for" Vai and "answer the call." Effective advertising reaches people on a deeper level and asks them what they have to offer to act. Learning to understand their language against them, with a message that should not be missed talking!

Rule # 3 - Analysis of the competition. Diet giant conglomerates like these burgers each advertising strategies, you should do the same in relation to your competitors. Take time to learnand understand what works for them and want to improve on. You'll be amazed what it can do a little 'more honest' theft ', love it!

Rule No 4 - label constant. Although this was not discussed, will offer effective advertising results in your name a synonym for the product or service. For example, how many people listen to you asking for a facial tissue? Not many, I fear. Ask for a "Kleenex", which is a particular brand of facial tissues. This is what branding is allapprox. Effective use in your flyer and literally dominate the market.

Rule No. 5 - simplicity. The most important rule in advertising that is often placed on simplicity. Consumers are too busy or too distracted to read long copy. Use graphics, images, bullets, or what ever find to make your message brief and timely.

Rule No. 6 - Methods of distribution. This is where many businesses fail with the use of advertising flyers. Depending on the typeThe Flyers (ie menus, coupons, etc.), it is important to plan for distribution. If you understand your targeted demographic you can plan for effective distribution. If direct mail, door hangers, newspaper inserts, flyers in local businesses or any other distribution, it is important to determine the best way to reach the wider audience. This is what advertising is all - the numbers.

Rule # 7 - Promote advertising, advertising! Do not fall prey to the misconceptiona round knob on top of the market will get. Too many companies do not follow almost to the finish line and for one reason or another, except for their advertising campaigns. Keep in mind the USPS statistics during his campaign. Every family has responded to direct mail advertising every week. Yours may be, and should be the next!

Print Flyer - The Ultimate Guide to Flyers and print ads

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